Why is cyber risk management so important to NFPs?

As non-profit organizations increasingly rely on technology to manage their operations and communicate with stakeholders, it is essential that they prioritize cybersecurity.

One aspect of cybersecurity that is particularly important for non-profits is digital asset management.

Digital asset management involves organizing, storing, and distributing digital files such as images, documents, and multimedia content.

With the increasing use of technology in the non-profit sector, it has become essential for organizations to have a system in place to manage their digital assets effectively.

However, it is important to ensure that these systems are secure to protect against cyber threats.

One way to improve the security of digital asset management is to implement access controls. This involves restricting access to digital assets to only authorized users.

Non-profits often have multiple stakeholders, including donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries, who may need access to different types of assets.

A digital asset management system that allows for the creation of user groups and permissions ensures that only authorized users have access to specific assets, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

Another important security measure is encryption.

Encrypting digital assets ensures that they are unreadable to anyone without the proper decryption key.

This is particularly important for non-profits that handle sensitive information, such as personal data or financial information.

It is also important for non-profits to regularly update their digital asset management systems and any associated software. Hackers often exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software, so keeping systems and software up to date helps to reduce the risk of a breach.

Non-profits should also have a plan in place for responding to cyber threats.

This includes identifying potential threats, implementing measures to prevent attacks, and having a plan for handling a breach if one does occur.

It is also a good idea to conduct regular cybersecurity training for staff to educate them on best practices for protecting against cyber threats.

Digital asset management is an important aspect of cybersecurity for non-profits.

By implementing access controls, encryption, regularly updating systems and software, and having a response plan in place, non-profits can effectively protect their digital assets and reduce the risk of a cyber attack.

By prioritizing cybersecurity, non-profits can ensure that they are able to effectively achieve their goals and serve their stakeholders without being disrupted by cyber threats.

Trusting Your IT and Cybersecurity Teams: A Critical Component of Nonprofit Success

Nonprofits rely heavily on technology to manage their operations, from fundraising to volunteer management.

little detective is on the trail of luck

As such, IT and cybersecurity teams, internal and external, are critical to ensuring the success of nonprofit organizations.

However, without trust in these teams, nonprofits may experience negative consequences that can impact their ability to achieve their mission.

✔️ Not trusting IT and cybersecurity teams can cause security breaches.

Nonprofits often collect and store sensitive information about their donors, beneficiaries, and volunteers, which must be protected from unauthorized access or theft.

Without trust in IT and cybersecurity teams, the organization may not prioritize security measures, leading to vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.

A security breach can result in the theft of sensitive data, financial loss, and damage to the nonprofit's reputation.

✔️ Data loss.

A lack of trust in IT and cybersecurity teams may also lead to inadequate data backup and recovery procedures, which can result in permanent data loss in the event of a system failure or cyberattack.

Data loss can significantly impact a nonprofit's operations, making it difficult or impossible to serve beneficiaries effectively.

✔️ Inefficiencies.

IT and cybersecurity teams are responsible for maintaining the organization's technology infrastructure.

Without trust, the nonprofit may not allow the IT and cybersecurity teams to make necessary updates, leading to inefficiencies and potential downtime.

This can significantly impact the nonprofit's ability to achieve its mission.

✔️ Compliance issues.

Nonprofits must comply with various regulations related to data privacy and protection.

Without trust in the IT and cybersecurity teams, the nonprofit may not ensure compliance, leading to legal issues and financial penalties.

✔️ A lack of trust.

Ultimately, a lack of trust in IT and cybersecurity teams can erode trust among donors and beneficiaries.

A security breach or data loss can damage the organization's reputation, leading to decreased funding and support.

Donors and beneficiaries need to trust nonprofits with their sensitive information, and a lack of trust in IT and cybersecurity teams can significantly impact the nonprofit's ability to build and maintain that trust.

IT and cybersecurity teams play a crucial role in protecting sensitive information, maintaining operational efficiency, responding to cyberattacks, ensuring compliance, and building trust for nonprofits.

Nonprofits must trust their IT and cybersecurity teams to keep their organization secure and protect their donors and beneficiaries.

Without trust, nonprofits may experience security breaches, data loss, inefficiencies, compliance issues, and loss of trust, which can significantly impact their ability to achieve their mission.

Protecting Your Non-Profit or Association from Cyber Attacks: Why It Matters

As a non-profit or association, your focus is on serving your cause and making a positive impact on society.

However, the threat of a cyber attack can undermine all the hard work you’ve put in.

Cyber criminals are increasingly targeting non-profits and associations, recognizing them as easy targets with valuable data and resources to steal.

A successful attack can compromise sensitive information, disrupt operations, and cause damage to the organization’s reputation.

It’s crucial for non-profits and associations to take steps to protect their data and intellectual property from cyber threats.

By implementing a comprehensive cybersecurity plan, you can reduce the risk of a successful attack and keep your organization running smoothly.

This includes assessing your current security posture, developing a cybersecurity policy, implementing technical controls, and training employees to detect and respond to cyber threats.

Are you ready to protect your non-profit or association from cyber attacks?

Get the comprehensive guide on securing your organization’s data and intellectual property by downloading the eBook now.

This valuable resource covers everything you need to know, including a step-by-step plan for developing a cybersecurity strategy and incident response procedures.

Cybersecurity is more important than ever before.

With the rise of technology, cyber threats have become a major concern for individuals and businesses alike.

One thing that is becoming increasingly clear is that the chance of a cyber event is not "if," but "when."

In fact, research has shown that 97% of cyber events are preventable.

So, what can we do to prevent a cyber event?

Preventing a cyber event is not solely about removing small errors, but also about having a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity.

While removing small errors, such as keeping software and systems updated, can help prevent specific types of cyber attacks, it is not enough on its own.

A comprehensive approach to cybersecurity also includes:

✅ Educate yourself and your employees:

It's important to educate yourself and your employees about cyber threats and best practices for staying safe online.  This includes learning about common types of cyber attacks and the steps you can take to prevent them.

✅ Having strong security policies and procedures in place to help mitigate risk.

✅ Regularly monitoring and assessing your network for potential vulnerabilities.

✅ Providing training and education to employees on cybersecurity best practices and safe online behavior.

✅ Having incident response plans in place to quickly and effectively respond to any cyber incidents that may occur.

✅ Continuously evaluating and updating your security measures to keep pace with the evolving threat landscape.

Preventing a cyber event is about identifying, evaluating and mitigating potential risks through the implementation of a set of best practices and technologies, it's all about removing small errors but also about being proactive and having a holistic approach to cybersecurity

Cyber is a risk that cannot be insured unless the insured takes on more risk

Cybersecurity is a hot topic in today’s digital age.

With the increasing reliance on technology and the internet, businesses and individuals are at risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches.

Unfortunately, many people assume that their insurance policies will cover them in case of a cyber incident.

However, the reality is that traditional insurance policies may not provide adequate protection against cyber risks.

The main reason for this is that cyber risks are constantly evolving and new threats are constantly emerging. As a result, insurance companies are often unable to keep up with the latest developments in the field.

Furthermore, many insurance policies have exclusions or limitations when it comes to coverage for cyber incidents.

This means that even if you have insurance, you may not be fully protected against a cyber attack.

So, what can you do to protect yourself against cyber risks?

One option is to purchase a standalone cyber insurance policy.

These policies are specifically designed to provide coverage for cyber incidents and typically include coverage for things like data breaches, cyber extortion, and business interruption.

However, purchasing a standalone cyber insurance policy also means taking on more risk.

Many standalone policies have high deductibles and exclusions, which means that you may still be on the hook for a significant portion of the loss in the event of a cyber incident.

Another option is to take a proactive approach to cybersecurity.

This can include implementing strict security protocols, regularly updating software, and training employees on how to recognize and prevent cyber attacks.

By taking steps to reduce your risk, you may be able to negotiate more favorable terms on your insurance policy.

In short, cyber risks are a reality that cannot be ignored.

While insurance can provide some protection, it is not a silver bullet.

Businesses and individuals need to take a holistic approach to cybersecurity, including both insurance and risk management measures.

And remember, just like a good lock on your front door, being proactive can keep cybercriminals at bay.

Why non-profits need to invest in cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is an increasingly important concern for all organizations, including non-profits.

In the digital age, non-profits rely heavily on technology to carry out their mission and serve their constituents, making them vulnerable to cyber attacks.

Here are seven advantages of prioritizing cybersecurity for non-profits:

⚔️ Protecting sensitive information:

Non-profits often have access to sensitive information such as donor and volunteer data, financial records, and personal information.

⚔️ Complying with regulations:

Many non-profits receive funding from government agencies or foundations that have strict requirements for data security.

⚔️ Maintaining donor and volunteer trust:

A data breach or cyber attack can damage a non-profit’s reputation and undermine the trust of donors and volunteers.

⚔️ Protecting against financial losses:

Cyber attacks can result in financial losses for non-profits, including costs associated with recovering from the attack and repairing damage.

⚔️ Enhancing employee productivity:

Cybersecurity measures can help employees work more efficiently by protecting against cyber threats and minimizing downtime due to cyber attacks.

⚔️ Increasing competitiveness:

In today’s digital age, non-profits that demonstrate a commitment to data security may have a competitive advantage over those that do not.

⚔️ Reducing insurance premiums:

Many insurance companies offer discounts to organizations that have implemented robust cyber security measures.

In conclusion, cybersecurity is an essential consideration for non-profits.

By prioritizing it, non-profits can protect sensitive information, preserve financial resources, maintain trust, enhance their reputation, facilitate collaboration, ensure compliance, and support their mission.

It is important for non-profits to assess their cybersecurity needs and implement appropriate measures to safeguard against potential threats.

3 reasons that cybersecurity is in the state it is!

Cybersecurity is at a low level for several reasons.

One reason is that organizations, governments and individuals are not investing enough in cybersecurity measures.

This can include not allocating sufficient budget or resources for cybersecurity training, hiring, and technology.

Another reason is that many organizations and individuals do not have a clear understanding of the cyber threats they face, and as a result, do not prioritize cybersecurity.

Additionally, many companies and individuals are still using outdated software, hardware and systems that are vulnerable to cyber-attacks which could have been prevented if they were updated.

Furthermore, the sophistication and complexity of cyber attacks are increasing at a faster rate than organizations and individuals can keep up with.

All these factors combined have led to the current low level of cybersecurity.

Lowest entry-level ever

Today, the entry-level for cybercrime is at an all-time low.

This is due in part to the increasing availability of easy-to-use tools and resources that allow individuals with little technical expertise to engage in cybercrime.

For example, there are now numerous online forums, tutorials, and hacking tools that can be easily accessed and used by anyone with an internet connection.

Additionally, the rise of the dark web has made it easier for individuals to purchase and use malicious software, such as malware and ransomware, for criminal activities.

Furthermore, the increasing use of automation and AI in cybercrime has made it easier for cybercriminals to launch large-scale attacks and target a wide range of victims.

All these factors have led to the lowering of the entry-level and increase of cybercrime which is a major concern for organizations, governments and individuals.

Education and training from the wrong direction

Education and training that is delivered in a top-down manner, where the information and knowledge is passed down from the top level of an organization to the bottom, can fail for several reasons.

One of the main reasons is that it does not take into account the unique needs and perspectives of the individuals or groups who are being trained.

The information may not be tailored to their specific role or level of understanding, making it difficult for them to apply it effectively in their work.

Additionally, top-down education and training can lead to a lack of engagement and buy-in from the individuals or groups who are receiving the training.

Without their active participation and interest, the training may not be as effective in achieving its goals.

A bottom-up approach, on the other hand, is more inclusive and empowering, and it starts with the needs and perspectives of the individuals or groups who are being trained, ensuring that the training is more relevant and meaningful to them.

Software was written for the first to market, not as a secure platform

Software that is written with the primary goal of being the first to market may not prioritize security.

This means that the software may have vulnerabilities or weaknesses that can be exploited by cybercriminals or hackers.

These security flaws can lead to data breaches, loss of sensitive information, and other types of cyber attacks. Additionally, software that is not designed with security in mind may not comply with industry regulations or standards, which can lead to legal and financial repercussions for the company that developed the software.

To avoid these issues, it is important for companies to balance the need for speed to market with the need for a secure and compliant software platform.



Artificial intelligence (AI) will have a significant impact on both cybersecurity and cybercrime.

On the cybersecurity side, AI can help organizations and individuals detect and respond to cyber threats in real time, by using advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze large amounts of data, identify patterns, and make predictions about potential attacks.

Additionally, AI-based systems can also be used to automate many security processes, such as patch management and incident response, which can help organizations and individuals become more efficient and effective in defending against cyber attacks.

On the other hand, AI can also be used by cybercriminals to launch more sophisticated and automated attacks, such as spear-phishing, social engineering, and malware campaigns.

AI-based malware can also be designed to evade detection by traditional security systems and can spread quickly across networks.

Additionally, AI can also be used to enable new forms of cybercrime, such as deepfake generation, which can be used to impersonate individuals or organizations in order to steal sensitive information or money.

Therefore, AI can have a significant impact on both cybersecurity and cybercrime and it’s important for organizations and individuals to stay aware and adapt to the new technology.

The risks associated with online shopping and banking

Online shopping and banking have become an integral part of our daily lives, but with the convenience of these services comes the risk of cyber threats.

cybercriminals and scammers can target your personal and financial information in order to steal your identity, money, or both.

That’s why it’s so important to practice good cybersecurity habits when shopping and banking online.

Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

🔰 Use a password manager to create and store strong, unique passwords for each of your online accounts.

It can be tempting to use the same password for multiple accounts, but if a hacker gains access to one of your accounts, they will have the key to all of them.

🔰 Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your online accounts whenever possible.

This adds an extra layer of security by requiring you to enter a one-time code in addition to your password when logging in.

🔰 Make sure that the websites you shop on and use for banking are secure.

Look for a URL that starts with “https” and a padlock icon in the address bar.

This indicates that the website is using a secure connection to encrypt your data.

🔰 Use a credit card rather than a debit card for online purchases, as credit card companies generally have stronger fraud protection policies.

If your credit card information is stolen, you can typically dispute the charges and get your money back.,

🔰 Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks for sensitive transactions, as they may not be secure.

Cybercriminals can easily set up fake public Wi-Fi networks in order to steal your information.

🔰 Regularly check your bank and credit card statements for any unauthorized charges or activity.

🔰 Be wary of phishing emails or texts that try to trick you into entering your login or financial information on fake websites.

These scams often use fake logos and branding to make them look legitimate, so it’s important to be on the lookout for red flags.

If you receive an email or text from a company that you don’t recognize, do not click on any links or enter any information.

🔰 Keep your computer and other devices up to date with the latest security patches and software updates.

These updates often include important security fixes.

🔰 Use a firewall and antivirus software to protect your computer from malware and other threats.

These tools can help to prevent malware from infiltrating your system and can also detect and remove any malware that does get through.

🔰 Consider using a virtual private network (VPN) when connecting to the internet, as it can help to encrypt your data and protect your online activity from being monitored.

By following these best practices, you can help to protect yourself and your personal and financial information while shopping and banking online.

Remember, it’s always better to safe than sorry.

No one waits for a car accident before investing in insurance why would cyber insurance be any different

The use of technology has become an integral part of our daily lives.

From the way we communicate with others to the way we conduct business, technology has transformed nearly every aspect of modern society.

As a result, the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches has also increased significantly.

Unlike car accidents, which are typically one-time events, cyber attacks can have long-term consequences.

They can result in the theft of sensitive personal and financial information, damage to a company’s reputation, and even legal action.

The costs associated with these types of attacks can be substantial.

This is where cyber insurance comes in.

We invest in car insurance to protect ourselves in the event of an accident, cyber insurance can provide protection against the financial consequences of a cyber-attack.

It can help cover the costs of recovering from an attack, such as legal fees, data restoration, and public relations efforts.

There are several reasons why people and businesses should consider investing in cyber insurance.

It provides financial protection in the event of a cyber attack.

It’s impossible to completely eliminate the risk of a cyber-attack, but having insurance can help alleviate some of the financial burdens that comes with dealing with the aftermath.

Another reason to consider cyber insurance is the increasing frequency of cyber attacks. It’s not a matter of if a company will be attacked, but when.

There are potential legal consequences to consider.

A company may be held liable for a data breach if it fails to adequately protect customer data.

Cyber insurance can help cover the costs of legal action and settlements, which can be substantial.

Despite the clear benefits of cyber insurance, many people and businesses still don’t invest in it.

This may be due to a lack of awareness about the risks of cyber-attacks and the potential consequences.

Others may believe that their company is too small to be a target or that they have sufficient in-house security measures in place.

It’s important to remember that cyber attacks can happen to anyone, regardless of size or industry.

Small businesses and non-profits are often targeted because they may have fewer resources to devote to cybersecurity.

Cyber insurance can provide an extra layer of protection against the unexpected.

No one waits for a car accident before investing in insurance, it’s important not to wait for a cyber attack before considering cyber insurance.

The risks of a cyber attack are real and the consequences can be severe.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – consider cyber insurance for your business today.

Cybercrime – You can’t win a fight if you don’t know the rules

Cybercrime – You can’t win a fight if you don’t know the rules

Most of us do not know the rules when it comes to the digital space.

We assume that what applies in the real world is what we should live by in the digital space.

This is an assumption that will get you into a lot of trouble.

Here are four areas everyone needs to keep in mind when using a digital device.

Who you are!

You know who you are.

In the digital space you do not want to talk about who you are to people you have never met.

We assume that most people are like us, in the digital world that assumption will cause irrefutable damage.

In the digital world only talk in generalities, not specifics.

What you talk about!

To connect to people you are told that you have to talk about feelings and personal attitudes.

For some that can be difficult.

If you need to talk to that personal level learn to hide the information behind other things.

Why you can lie!

We have been programmed to tell the truth, some people can and some people cannot.

Some people have major issues with lying.

I work on the principle, in the digital world, to lie where possible.

In your profile you cannot lie on government websites, medical websites and other sites where the real information is required.

When faced with the request for information learn to lie.

Make up a date of birth, license number, passport number.

If you think that the site does not need that information or the information is never going to be checked against real data – just lie.


Just like fight club, do not talk about fight club, when it comes to the digital world, lying is a necessary evil.

It is a matter of trust and to tell you the truth, from someone working in the the industry, I trust no one on the internet.

I have people that I know who I trust implicitly, I know they would do anything just like I would do anything for them.

In the digital world I do not trust their avatar.

Even if I have verified them I still do not trust them.