Cybersecurity, (Business Security) the art of dealing with risk

When it comes to cybersecurity or Business Security, the buzz words thrown around by salespeople are polluting the board room and confusing the owners, managers and C Level Execs of SME’s and charities.

They are making it harder for you to discover and understand why you need to define your risk prior to making any decisions about purchasing anything.

When it comes to protecting your organisation from a cyber attack it is all about risk.

The snake oil salesman, carpet baggers and sleaze balls are attracted to our industries in droves.


Just like in the past, it is easy to confuse someone with catch phrases, innuendo and just plain bull sh*t to purchase product that will not work or has been sold to an organisation as a panacea of all their ills when it comes to cybersecurity.

Big words and even bigger promises are the problem.

There is no “silver bullet” solution out there.

Business security is all about hard work.

It is an investment in time.   It is an investment in understanding and most of all, it is an investment in protecting the many facets of your organisation.

A single solution will not do that.    It cannot be done with the installation of a simple device.

When it comes to business security you have to analyze your risk.

The risk to business.   The risk to the business.   The risk to the people in the business and most of all, the risk to your clients.   Not protecting their data will result in a lost of revenue, confidence and subsequently profit.

That is only the tip of the iceberg.    After an breach it gets worse from there on.

The problem with risk is that risk is hard to visualize.

Most of us have problems with abstract ideas, risk management and risk assessment, if not done correctly are exactly that – abstract.

To move it from abstract to real we have to visualise the risks.   Once we understand the risks we can mitigate them in a manageable way.

The mitigation of a known risk maybe the installation of an expensive piece of software/hardware.

You still have to understand the risk and mitigate it before you justify spending those thousands of dollars!    That investment may only cover one risk, what about the other 49 you have discovered when you did the risk assessment?

We are in the process of putting together a special board room meeting, just for board members, owners, managers and C level execs.   It is a hands on process, working on your environment, to understand the risks and the subsequent ways to protect your organisation in todays digital world.

There is no sales pitch, we are not selling anything but you will walk away from the boardroom with a better understanding of your risks, what they are, how to reduce them and what you need to do moving forward.

Risk Management Game and Resources

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