Is there recovery from ransomware?

That really does depend on you.

A ransomware attack can happen to anyone, at any time and on any systems.

If you think it will not happen to me then you could have a problem.

Ransomware is the scourge of cybercrime.

It can be enacted by people who have no technical knowledge and are just following a script and system that was downloaded from the internet.

It can be enacted by sending a couple of thousand email to a list of people that they purchased on the internet.

It can be enacted by targeting a group of internet addresses that they thought would be lucrative.

There use to be a thing called “security by obscurity” where you can hide on the internet and we’re relatively secure.


That capability is no longer a viable defence strategy.

If you think you will never be targeted, too small or have nothing worth stealing and you do have a cyber event there is little chance of you being able to recover.


If you have a different attitude.

If you think the opposite.

Then there is a chance that you will not be a victim.

If you think that you could be a target then you are already thinking about your response.

You are already thinking proactive.

You are ready to think of contingencies.

Even if you do have a ransomware attack then you already know and your team already knows what to do because you have thought about it.

You have plans, processes, procedures and policies in place.

If you have tested them and improved on them then that makes it even more possible that you will survive.

The old adage expects the best but plan for the worst is prevalent today against the cybercriminal.